Esther Adu- Ofori is an International writer and poet. She is a Ghanaian by birth but her forays in the world stage has confirmed her status as a 'Global Citizen'. We take a deep dive into her world on this exclusive interview.

ESTHER: My name is Esther Adu-Ofori,a natural-born-Ghanaian author, who was born in the lovely month of June, and the second child of Mr and Mrs Adu-Ofori.
I studied marketing management at the tertiary institution, and had the opportunity of working with reputable companies as, a marketing executive, customer service representative, personal assistant, office administrator, travel agent and a marketing representative  for children’s books.
I love to hang out at serene places and I absolutely  adore the elegance  and beauty of words!

How did poetry all begin for you.

ESTHER: Poetry came to me naturally.However,I begun writing poetry actively, after a friend  convinced me to participate in one of Commonwealth’s writing contest. I didn’t win the contest ,but the theme  inspired me to write an inspirational piece about 'scars' titled, 'Mirror on the wall”.
“Mirror on the wall”, inspires self- love, self-confidence and self-acceptance! 
After that piece, I wrote a few more other pieces and one of them is titled, “Love Is”…which was published in one of Ghana's most popular weekend newspapers.
I'm actually planning of doing a spoken word version of “Love Is”, soon.
Currently, I have written numerous poems, and some of them can be found on my Instagram page.

What is your writing process like.

ESTHER: My mind usually gets flooded with creative thoughts, I jot them down any time that happens and allow my words to flow freely from my heart!
 I revise and finally edit.
I make sure I’m impressed with my work before putting it out there.

Do you usually have personal connections with your poems

ESTHER: I write from my soul, so yes I do have personal connections with my writings. 
About four years ago ,I posted a picture of myself on my birthday with a poem titled, “The more I live”,
“The more I live”,  was a poem I wrote to celebrate the most valuable things in life, we often overlook.
I wrote “Heroic woman”, and “Just like poetry”, for my subsequent birthdays.
Although being  celebrated by others is beautiful, I believe sometimes ,you need to be your biggest cheerleader and give yourself that tap on the back you've been waiting to receive from others!
I have personal connections with these poems, and a lot more I have written.

Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style.

ESTHER: I’ve come across a lot of incredible poets. I like to read poems that touch my heart and speak to my mind.
I honestly like to feel the passion of the poet in the poems I read.

You have quite the International fanbase online, especially Instagram... How does it feel to know that people all over the world read and resonate with your writing

ESTHER: It’s fulfilling to know, the poems I post have connected me to amazing people all over the world.
It's awe-inspiring to check my dm and see messages of how my poems have uplifted their souls and put smiles on their faces! 
It’s  heart-warming to  receive accolades and encouragement from beautiful souls all over the world!

What would fans be most surprised to learn about you

ESTHER: I guess they’ll be surprised to know, I slept one evening and woke up, with a song on my lips…my very own original song. That fascinating experience inspired me to write, my poem titled “I sing!”.

Other hobbies you love outside writing and poetry

ESTHER: I love singing!
Just like poetry, I find singing to be therapeutic!

Are any of your poems based on real life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination

ESTHER: Yes,my poems,”Priceless”,”All sorts of colours”,just to mention a few, are based on real life experiences.
I recently did my first ever spoken word version of “All sorts of colours “,it can be found on my Instagram page. 
Apart from “All sorts of colours”,there are a few others that are a combination of real life experiences and fiction and some that are written from my imagination.

What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet

ESTHER: I was raised in a Christian home, and was taught to always do what was right. My parents ensured my siblings and I, had the best of everything. They’ve been supportive from day one, and they still are. 
They are actually my biggest support system, they know writing has been a part of me since childhood, and they’re  elated to see that childhood dream of mine become a reality!
Growing up, I was that child who loved to request for books as gifts from my parents. I was a fast reader, the type that will like to complete reading a book on the day she receives it.
That child that liked to pour out her emotions on paper.
I liked listening to my favourite stories being read out and watching movies of stories I’ve read about.
My parents set up a mini library  at home for us, and filled it up with our favourite story books.
I loved everything about creativity, and I started writing stories way back in nursery school, I used to create my own comic books and illustrate my handwritten stories. Writing was something I loved doing, it started out as a hobby, however, the older I got the more I was convinced, I was born to be an author!

A little bird whispered to us about your debut Publication titled 'Messy is not cool'.. please go into detail about this

ESTHER.: ‘Messy Is Not Cool’, is a story about a little girl named Ally Bally,who had a close relationship with her biracial parents.
As the story unfolds, we’ll find out why her mum kept saying, “Messy Is not cool”, and what it took for Ally Bally to understand the words of her mother!
'Messy Is Not Cool’, inspires  good moral values in children, gives  them the opportunity  to express themselves with colours and teaches them  a few poems too!

What does literary success mean to you
Response: Literary  success for me, is seeing my words come alive, seeing people …both young and old having my book in their hands ,or quoting my words and reciting my poems, and  knowing my words will forever live on, inspiring joy, hope and love!
How would you describe your personality
response: I’m loyal,honest,passionate ,compassionate, empathetic and kind-hearted.
I’m an “all of my heart”, kind of person, so,
I take family, love and friendship seriously.

Asides your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about
Response: I love music,so I find musical films and animations very appealing, you might find me trying a few dance moves if I find the music irresistible!
Your parting words to your teeming followers and fans worldwide.
Response: Never give up on your dream, it doesn’t matter how long it takes or the obstacles that may come your way…continue to pursue it relentlessly, until your dream becomes a reality!
Life isn’t  a race, just continue to work on being the best version of yourself…remain original because you are perfect!
Are you still contemplating on whether to write that book or not?
This is the confirmation you've been waiting for, the time is now!

culled from the Creative Chronicles


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