Super star Poet Bilan Thompson takes us on a journey
Interview with 'Black Diamond' Bilan Thompson
Super star Poet and content creator Bilan Thompson, popularly known as 'Black Diamond' takes us on a riveting journey on this interview
Tell us about your background
Bilan: As far as I can remember I have always loved reading, writing, and creative arts. I was the child that would read a chapter book in one day. I would spend my day writing songs and choreographing dances. In my adulthood, I graduated with a degree in Organizational Leadership and another in Liberal Arts and science. My background experience before starting my brand has always been in education, ministry, and performing arts.
How did poetry begin for you
Bilan: For me, poetry started the very first time I read a Dr. Suess book. I can remember being a little girl writing my own stories using rhyming words like his.
What is your writing process like
Bilan: my writing process is simple. I am often inspired by the world around me. The situations I’ve faced. The things I've endured. Different topics that I feel are relevant. Once I get an idea, I just let it flow from my soul and run with it.
Do you usually have personal connections with your poems
Bilan: I truly have a personal connection with the poems that I write. They come from my heart. I mean everything that I write about.
Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style
Bilan: My favorite poet has always been the late Maya Angelou. I love the way her poetry carries a strong message. She had so much poise, intellect, and sass.
You have quite the fanbase on Instagram and Social media. How does that make you feel
Bilan: It's a wonderful feeling to know that people all over the world resonate with my writing. It’s such an honor. I love my fans and followers.
What would fans be most surprised to learn about you
Bilan: I think one interesting fact that would surprise my fans is that I grew up playing the quad, bass, and snare drum.
Other hobbies you love outside Poetry and writing
Bilan: My other hobbies outside of poetry and writing are dancing, spending time with family, and vacationing.
Are any of your poems based on real life experiences
Bilan: Yes, some of my poems are about life experiences.
What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet
Bilan: Honestly, growing up for me was hard. But everything I experienced in my childhood only made me strong. I turned out to be the beautiful woman I am today and blessed to have my family. I absolutely love my husband and children. They mean everything to me. They are all so excited and proud of me.
A little bird whispered to us that you are currently working on your debut book.. please go into detail about this
Bilan: Well, the birdie is absolutely right. My debut book will consist of my greatest poems. I am also adding pictures and interactive questions to inspire writing. I am very excited about it and I believe it will be a blessing.
What does Literary Success mean to you
Bilan: Literary success means to me touching another’s heart through my words. To make an impact. To be remembered for my work.
Would you consider yourself to be a woman of faith
Bilan: Absolutely. My faith is what I center my life around. It’s what holds me together.
What does friendship mean to you
Bilan: Friendship to me is my extended family. They’re the people I love and support and will always be there for.
Do you have any special friendships along the line of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight
Bilan: I have made so many friends throughout my time as a creative. Too many to name. Each of them is special to my heart.
What is your take on the state of the black community and whats your measage to aspiring black creatives that look up to you as a source of inspiration
Bilan: I think the black community has come a long way from where we were. As a community, we have gone through many struggles and have overcome many obstacles. My message to aspiring black creatives is to pursue their dreams full force. Network with other like-minded people and support and hold each other up.
How would you describe your personality
Bilan: I would describe my personality to be humble, kind, loving, and humorous.
Asides your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about
Bilan: I am equally passionate about choreographing dance. Dance is how I write and tell stories through my movement.
Your parting words to your teeming fans and followers around the world
Bilan: My parting words for my fans and followers are thank you for all the love and support. Your love keeps me motivated and going. Thank you for all that you do to support me. I love you all.
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