
Showing posts from November, 2023

Exclusive Interview with Super star Poet, Olivia Bella

Interview Exclusive with Star Poet Olivia! The Multi- talented and highly regarded Poet and all round creative, Olivia Bella has granted us a special interview into some important aspects into her life and her poetry journey. Below are excerpts from the groundbreaking Interview 1.  Tell us about your Background.  Olivia: I have such a varied background that it often feels like I have already lived several lifetimes within this one. Fashion design was probably my first passion, and then I transitioned into spiritual and sexual healing (I know that’s a bit wild after fashion). I have always been a creative person with an entrepreneurial mindset, I also have a background in acting and have worked in the film industry for a while.  2.  How did poetry all begin for you? Olivia: My poetry journey started in 2019 when I decided to write regularly. Prior to that, I only wrote one poem back in 2015 - that was something unexpected and totally spontaneous but it awa...

Exclusive Interview with Superstar Poet Kimeysia

Today is the birthday of Superstar Poet, Kimeysia.  The Editor of Poets Digest had the rare privilege of having a sit down with the talented creative as they had a productive conversation.   Below are excerpts of the Interview. Tell us about your background Hi, I’m Kimeysia, a small time writer from India. I am a Physiotherapist by Profession, I also sing in my church choir and love to dance and explore new places I am also an artist. How did poetry all begin for you KM: I started writing during the covid period, to be able to cope up with life at a standstill. It started slowly, and gradually blossomed into this beautiful phase of my life of being a poet. What is your writing process like KM; I generally write when I have random thoughts in my head. So I am a spontaneous writer at best.  Do you have personal connections with your poems  KM: I always have a personal connection with my poems. I always write what I believe in. Because there is use if y...