Exclusive Interview with Super star Poet, Olivia Bella

Interview Exclusive with Star Poet Olivia! The Multi- talented and highly regarded Poet and all round creative, Olivia Bella has granted us a special interview into some important aspects into her life and her poetry journey. Below are excerpts from the groundbreaking Interview 1. Tell us about your Background. Olivia: I have such a varied background that it often feels like I have already lived several lifetimes within this one. Fashion design was probably my first passion, and then I transitioned into spiritual and sexual healing (I know that’s a bit wild after fashion). I have always been a creative person with an entrepreneurial mindset, I also have a background in acting and have worked in the film industry for a while. 2. How did poetry all begin for you? Olivia: My poetry journey started in 2019 when I decided to write regularly. Prior to that, I only wrote one poem back in 2015 - that was something unexpected and totally spontaneous but it awa...