Exclusive Interview with Superstar Poet Kimeysia
Today is the birthday of Superstar Poet, Kimeysia. The Editor of Poets Digest had the rare privilege of having a sit down with the talented creative as they had a productive conversation. Below are excerpts of the Interview.
Tell us about your background
Hi, I’m Kimeysia, a small time writer from India. I am a Physiotherapist by Profession, I also sing in my church choir and love to dance and explore new places I am also an artist.
How did poetry all begin for you
KM: I started writing during the covid period, to be able to cope up with life at a standstill. It started slowly, and gradually blossomed into this beautiful phase of my life of being a poet.
What is your writing process like
KM; I generally write when I have random thoughts in my head. So I am a spontaneous writer at best.
Do you have personal connections with your poems
KM: I always have a personal connection with my poems. I always write what I believe in. Because there is use if you don’t have a personal connect with your own poems.
Tell us about your favorite poet and what you like about their artistic style
KM: Personally, my favorite poet is not just a poet, but she is an artist. I fell in love with Lana Del Rey’s book called, Violet bent backwards over the grass. It’s my go to book when I am at my lowest or just when I need to read something. What I love about her writing is that, it is so raw, real and relatable.
You have quite the International fanbase online, especially Instagram.. How does it feel to know that people all over the world read and resonate with your words
KM: Since I started writing, I never did realize how powerful the strength of my poetry would be I didn’t realize how many lives I would touch through my words. Some days it’s just over whelming, and some, surreal.
What would most of your fans find as a surprise about you
KM: I think what my fans would be surprised to know about me, is that even though my poetry is mostly about pain, life has helped me to grow and to have faith in the process. A lot of people also don’t know that I am easily approachable and love helping people out. I listen to people and hear them out.
What are your hobbies outside of poetry
KM: I love reading novels most of the time. I am a part time musician, I play the ukulele and I sing. I also am a dancer. And I absolutely love drawing.
Are any of your poems based on real life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination
KM: Most of my poems are based on what I have been through and what I feel the world is going through. A lot of things I write about are very common things that people feel are out of their comfort zone. Things like, raw emotions and mostly mental health.
What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet
KM; Growing up in India has definitely made me understand my own cultural issues and gradually growing up, penning down my thoughts has actually helped me be a survivor. It is a lot to have to grow up with having no one to share your emotions with, and it feels like this platform has given me much more than just a platform to write on.
Some sources whispered to us that you have some project up your sleeves.. please shed more light
KM: Currently I am contemplating on writing poems and converting them into songs. It has been a dream for a long time, and I think this question is the sign I have been looking for, to start it off.
What does Literary Success mean to you
KM: Literary success is when people not just relate to what I write, but find answers to their problems through my work. It is the biggest gift me as an artist could get back.
Would you consider yourself a woman of faith
KM: I am a woman of faith. Growing up in a catholic family, a lot of my faith has been instilled in me by my family, since a very tender age. I love growing in faith and I love encouraging people along with me.
What does friendship mean to you
KM: Friendship doesn’t have a definition at all. I don’t believe in long term friendships, because people come and go, even though they promise forever. I prefer the people who never make promises, but stay by you through time, expecting nothing in return, just your respect and value.
Do you have any special friendships along the line of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight
KM: I would actually like to mention Jenna (magicandmusings__universe)here. She has been with me since I first started writing and she has been the most consistent supportive friend I have ever known.
What is your take on the state of the poetry community and whats your message to aspiring creatives that look up to you as a source of inspiration
KM: The poetry community is the next thing on social media these days. To see such unity within the community is very powerful. The only message I have for people is, don’t look for quantity, look for quality.
How would you describe your personality
KM: I would describe myself as someone who is out spoken and who actually talks about things that people are usually scared to talk about. I like looking at things from the inside, instead of merely viewing it from the outside. I am definitely an extrovert.
Aside your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about
KM: Besides poetry, I am passionate about singing and spoken word poetry.
Your parting word to your teeming fans worldwide
KM: I want the poetry world to remember me for my words, long after I have buried. Let my poems speak louder than the story of my life.
Here is everybody at Poet's Digest wishing you a very special birthday celebration. You are a very valued member of the poetry community and continue to make positive impact with your poetry
Nigel Philip
Editor in Chief
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