Exclusive Interview with Super star Poet, Olivia Bella

Interview Exclusive with Star Poet Olivia!

The Multi- talented and highly regarded Poet and all round creative, Olivia Bella has granted us a special interview into some important aspects into her life and her poetry journey. Below are excerpts from the groundbreaking Interview

1.  Tell us about your Background. 

Olivia: I have such a varied background that it often feels like I have already lived several lifetimes within this one. Fashion design was probably my first passion, and then I transitioned into spiritual and sexual healing (I know that’s a bit wild after fashion). I have always been a creative person with an entrepreneurial mindset, I also have a background in acting and have worked in the film industry for a while. 

2.  How did poetry all begin for you?

Olivia: My poetry journey started in 2019 when I decided to write regularly. Prior to that, I only wrote one poem back in 2015 - that was something unexpected and totally spontaneous but it awakened my desire for more writing. A desire I couldn’t ignore anymore. I really wanted to express myself, to process my emotions, and to tell stories. At first, I wasn’t sure if it was going to be poetry, but I quickly realized that the way I naturally expressed myself through words was much closer to poetry than anything else.

3. What is your writing process like 

Olivia: I have drafts everywhere on my phone and in Google Drive. I often get sudden ideas or visuals for a poem that I need to jot down straight away, and even if I can’t finish it there and then, I come back to it later. 
Other times, I am more organized, and work toward completing a project or writing for a prompt or a specific theme that my book requires for instance. But to be honest, most of the time, it’s just a beautiful, chaotic mess. I take inspiration from my own life, my feelings, and my experiences, as well as movies and music, and just run with it. 

4. Do you usually have personal connections with your poems 

Olivia: Yes,  I’d say about  90% of the time they are related to my personal experiences. Unless I write a custom poem for someone else. In that case, I go off based on the information they have provided. Otherwise, my poems are mostly fueled by my own emotions, real-life events, and imagination.
5. Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style 

Olivia: There are so many insanely talented poets on Instagram whose words deeply resonate with me. Independent of any style, I like those poems the most that really make me FEEL something or transport me to a different world. 

6. You have quite the International fanbase online, especially on Instagram... How does it feel to know that people all over the world read and resonate with your writing? 
Olivia: It’s incredibly rewarding. I started from zero and it’s crazy to think that as of now I have over 130 thousand people across my social media platforms reading my words. I love receiving beautiful messages from readers telling me how a poem moved them or how much it helped them understand their own feelings. 

7. What would fans be most surprised to learn about you 

Olivia: At this point, I am not sure. Depends on who you ask. Those who just read a few of my poems might not know much about me as a person, but those who’ve been following me for years, are familiar with what I write about and gained more insight into my life outside poetry as well. 
Having lived in five different countries, I’ve had a pretty interesting life so far, I am open-minded and adventurous. Always loved to travel and soak in the beauty of life. 

8. Other hobbies you love outside of writing and poetry 

 Olivia: I love photography. Even though I had the intention of doing it professionally, at the moment it’s more of a hobby as my primary focus has been on writing and publishing my books. Otherwise, I enjoy taking portraits, lifestyle and candid photos of people the most. 

9. Are any of your poems based on real-life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination 

Olivia: The majority of them are based on real-life experiences and emotions. Sometimes I incorporate fictional elements into my writing or slightly alter what happened. And of course, some poems are purely made up. Our imagination is limitless so why not use it for great storytelling? 

10. What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world-class poet 

Oivia: My mother has always been very supportive of my talents and endeavors throughout my whole life, and I’m truly grateful for her support and encouragement. 
She told me I was always a little storyteller, in kindergarten for instance, even before I could read, I would hold up a book, pretending to read a story I was making up on the spot. Then other children would gather around me and listen intently. I don’t remember any of it, but it’s nice to know I always had a passion for this. 
As for poetry, I only started it later as I mentioned above, apart from one poem I wrote to Santa Claus when I was a child. 

11. Some sources whispered to us that you are currently working on a special project. please go into detail about this 
Olivia; I am always working on something. I have a few new book ideas and I’m about halfway done with one of them. Its provisional title is Sandcastles, a poetry collection about the fleeting moments of life and inner transformation. It’s different from my other two books (Spicy Dreams & Sugary Lies, and Beautiful Alien) which are about love and relationships. I also just started writing another book about my experience as a queer woman, in hopes that it will resonate with anyone struggling with their sexual identity. 
Apart from that, I plan to launch my poetry prints and apparel store. And a private community for poetry lovers. 

12. What does literary success mean to you 

Olivia: To know that my words have substance and value and are read by those who are meant to read them. 
Ultimately, I am working toward creating a full-time income as a writer and creative, so I can dedicate myself entirely to my passions. 

13. Would you Consider yourself a woman of faith? 

Olivia: I am not religious, so in that sense, I would not. However, faith is a crucial component in life, we cannot do or achieve much without it, we have to believe in things working out before we have the evidence for it. 
While I am not religious, I feel connected to God and the divine. In my belief and experience, we are all parts of an infinite divine source, and God is not something that lives outside of us, but rather within us. 

14. What does Friendship mean to you? 

Olivia: Most of all TRUST. It also means love, care, growth, and a lot of fun. 
I don’t have many close friends but the ones I have I cherish deeply. 
I know there are true friendships just like romantic relationships that don’t last forever yet they play a big part in our personal development. And that’s okay too. And then there are friendships of a lifetime.  If you are lucky enough to experience that, don’t take it for granted. 

15. Do you have any special friendships along the lines of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight? 

Olivia: Over the years I developed friendships with people in the writing community that heavily contributed to my growth as a poet and writer. I’m really grateful for that. 
Additionally, I know people from other creative fields, such as composers, musicians, and content creators with whom I have collaborated. Those projects are always deeply fulfilling. 

16. What is your take on the state of the poetry community and what’s your message to aspiring creatives who look up to you as a source of inspiration 

Olivia; I have received tremendous support from the poetry community on social media, and I can only hope I have been and that I am just as supportive towards others. Of course, there are bad apples, just like anywhere else, but they don’t last long, and would never let them poison my well. 

Starting out as a poet/writer can be scary, as oftentimes sharing your poems is a raw and vulnerable experience. 
Do it anyway, connect with others on social media. Experiment, and try out different styles of writing until you find your own voice. 

17. How would you describe your personality 

Olivia; While my personality is not set in stone, and I have changed a lot over the years, there seem to be a few constants. I see myself as a passionate, curious, and kind being. I am a dreamer but also a doer. I am determined to evolve, and be the best and happiest I can be in every given moment. Oh, and I love to laugh and be goofy too. 

18. Aside from your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about 

Olivia: Screenwriting. It is related to poetry but at the same time, it’s very different. It’s still new to me, but it’s been a dream of mine to write screenplays, currently working on my first project.

I am also passionate about animals and animal rights. I love dogs and cats but ultimately I respect all living beings. That’s one of the reasons why I embarked on a vegan lifestyle over 10 years ago. There was a time when I was working as a health coach helping people to adopt a plant-based diet. 

19. Your parting words to your teeming followers and fans worldwide. 

Olivia: Thank you so much for reading and learning more about me, it means a lot to be able to share my world with you. 
Please remember to love and accept yourself for who you are, and tell the ones that you love them whenever you have a chance. Life is short, live your truth, live your dreams. 


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