Creative on the rise!

Kandice is an amazing poet and creative with a statement to make, and this all translates in her poetry and other creative ventures.
Today we look a little into the world of Kandice with excerpts below chronicling her story. 
' Kandice, aka Clair De Lune (or Clair), is a poet and wordsmith from Vancouver Island, B.C. who finds peace in the moonlit realms of imagination. Born and raised in a small town on the West Coast, Clair developed a deep appreciation for the beauty of language and the power it holds to convey emotions. 
Her journey with poetry began as a personal exploration of self-expression, and over time, blossomed into the enchanting world she now shares through her words. Clair crafts verses that resonate with the human experience. Her poetry is a delicate dance between light and shadow, weaving tales of love, loss, resilience, and the magic that resides in everyday moments.
@clairdelunepoetry, adorned with ethereal visuals and carefully chosen words, has garnered a community of kindred spirits who find refuge in the grace of Clair’s verses. Beyond the digital realm, Clair is known for her advocacy of mental health and the transformative power of creativity. She finds empowerment and expression in film photography, painting and reading. Clair takes pleasure in exploring spirituality and nature, prioritizing holistic health, and delving into inner work. You can find Clair creating, meditating and grounding near the ocean, forest and in the comfort of her backyard with her tabby cat, Ollie.

Clair’s poetry is not just an artistic endeavour but a heartfelt invitation for others to explore the depths of their emotions and connect with the shared threads of humanity. As the moon waxes and wanes, so does Clair’s poetic journey, leaving a trail of inspiration for those who seek solace and beauty in the written word. Clair will be releasing a published selection of poetry as well as other collaborations with artists in early 2024.
Claire will return in the next issue as we interview her exclusively and get a first hand experience on her forays into Art and Poetry.

Photo credits: Emily Meiling 
                         Glenn Thomson


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