Happy Birthday to the exceptional ' Black Diamond' Bilan Thompson.

Happy Birthday Bilan!

Bilan Thompson popularly known as 'Black Diamond' is an exceptionally gifted Poet and Creative par excellence that has several thousands of fans worldwide.  She has also been regularly featured in the Poet's Digest.  On behalf of the entire team members and editorial board of the PD, we wish you a very happy birthday.   Bilan typically has a few gems to share with us on her special day.
Bilan; 'When you know who you are, and what you possess, you won’t wear the tag of other people’s opinion. You won’t devalue yourself by carrying poison in your heart. Dr. Martin Luther King once quoted, “Hate is too great a burden to bear”. You will never rise to the top with weights tied to your vessel. When you choose to love and value people, you will gain an unshakable and unbreakable power. Love will always rise. Arrogance and hate will fall below. Don’t let nobody ever make you feel unworthy. You are priceless. Gleam in your power. Shine when they say you can’t. Rise when they don’t support you. If they don’t clap, take one hand and then the other and clap for yourself. When they walk away, let them go. When they speak against your character. Turn off their voice. Their words and actions could never stop the favor over your life. It doesn’t matter the color of your skin, status or background, we all have great worth. God has every single hair on our head numbered'.

Keep Shining Black Diamond..  We are all rooting for you

Pascal S. David
Editor in Chief


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