Tina is a versatile and Multi-talented creative and Poet who has consistently churned out incredible poetry. She has an enormous worldwide fanbase and is famous for her imaginative and thought-provoking poetry and her elite use of superb diction and Incredible use of language and aesthetics in her writings.
Today, Tina grants us an Exclusive Insight into aspects of her life and what makes her so successful. Enjoy the full interview below;
1. Tell us about your Background.
I am first generation Canadian born and possess a heart filled with Italian heritage. I grew up in a modest home with loving, hard working immigrant parents and one incredibly smart and caring brother. I loved school and school loved me; so much so, that I became an educator and truly found my vocation working with youth.
2. How did poetry all begin for you?
Writing poetry was the by-product of being an English Major in University coupled with years of journaling as a mental health support. My love of literature, storytelling and word weaving transformed my journaling into poetic form. It was here where I began experimenting and playing with style.
3. What is your writing process like?
Research is a huge part of my writing process in the pre-writing stages. Whether it is researching history, science, or geography, I love the blending of disciplines in my work. Metaphor, alliteration and imagery are my favorite stylistic devices, and if it works, using clever internal rhymes really excite me. I am a painstakingly slow writer as I am constantly in the editing phase. I need to get every word just right and the emotion must jump off the page. When I submit something too quickly, I’m always disappointed because I often think of something better later. I complete at least 15 drafts before I am ready to share my work.
4. Do you usually have personal connections with your poems?
There is always a part of me in my poems. I tend to only draw from what resonates deeply in my core. I cannot produce work that isn’t connected to my life experiences or my value system. But, I do bend my pieces at times to fit my message and the intended emotion.
5. Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style.
There are so many! Cummings for his innovative use of space, Angelou for her elegant imagery, Atwood for her brash boldness, Shakespeare for his mastery of form, and Ocean Vuong for EVERYTHING that matters in poetry.
6. You have quite the International fanbase online, especially Instagram... How does it feel to know that people all over the world read and resonate with your writing?
It’s actually quite a surreal feeling to know I’ve made some beautiful friends all over the world. I absolutely love the uniqueness of this poetry community. There is a lovely exchange of writing, sharing, reading and engaging that celebrates all our diverse gifts. There are so many incredible artists here with such talent to move and inspire. I’m so grateful to all of them and how they’ve welcomed me.
7. What would fans be most surprised to learn about you
I think it’s interesting to note that I’m an introvert who enjoys spending my time in the quiet solitude of nature. And although I love the water, the mountains are imprinted on my heart.
8. Other hobbies you love outside writing and poetry.
I am an outdoor lover, avid traveler and art enthusiast who craves learning about the physical and cultural world in which we live. Therefore, I engage daily in physical activities that take me outdoors and into new settings. I love skiing, hiking, yoga, kayaking and paddle boarding. I also frequent art galleries, museums and churches regularly to be awed and inspired.
9. Are any of your poems based on real life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination?
My poems all begin somewhere deep in my life experience and journey. I cannot write something that is purely imagination. More often than not, I begin with a metaphor or an image and then the emotions spill out. Sometimes, my poetry isn’t about an experience per se, but rather a deep seed value or emotion that needs sharing. At the end of it all, my life is in my poetry, hence my IG handle.
10. What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet.
Growing up in an Italian family with my grandparents living in the adjacent home meant engaging in family meals together and constant support. I absolutely loved the parade of Italian relatives that would frequent our home in Canada during the summer months. In addition to the language, I learned so much about my heritage and fostered strong family values.
11. Some sources whispered to us that you are currently working on a special project. Please go into detail about this.
I am very excited to share I’ve been diligently creating my very first collection. My hope is that these poems support others through their own mental health journey, giving them hope, making them feel less alone or inspiring positive change.
12 what does literary success mean to you?
If my poetry has the ability to inspire others to live more fully and embrace healthy living practices, then I have achieved literary success. After that, leaving my children with a written legacy that their mother tried to do good in the world would be a wonderful by-product.
13. Would you Consider yourself a woman of faith?
Yes I am. I see myself as a servant of God. Through my actions and my words, I hope everyone who comes to know me in some capacity, feels his grace and everlasting love.
14. What does Friendship mean to you?
Friendship means presenting your authentic self to another and being accepted as such, no matter what.
It is a give and take of support and encouragement in both times of happiness and struggle. It is a constant. It does not waiver. It lacks judgement and always listens. It gives advice when asked and it never fades. That is true friendship.
15. Do you have any special friendships along the line of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight?
Of course, my husband is truly my best friend and has encouraged and supported absolutely every poem and every decision I’ve made along this journey. Even though many of my pieces deal with pain, he understands that who I am today, the woman he loves, is the sum of my experiences and how I have transcended and grown from each and every moment. In addition to him, there have been a number of supportive and constant friends from the IG community that I would love to acknowledge. How much time and space do we have in this interview? Haha. I think I will thank each and every one of them personally instead
16. What is your take on the state of the poetry community and whats your message to aspiring creatives that look up to you as a source of inspiration.
I love the diversity and collegiality in this community. I stumbled upon the IG poetry scene quite by accident after I retired early from teaching. I thought I was being innovative and started posting my work only to find an enormous support system and artistic gathering online. My advice to anyone starting out on IG is to not be dismayed by the number of followers or likes. Trust in yourself and your voice. Be authentic, immerse yourself and you will grow naturally online. All seeds take time to bloom. Plant them, water them, shine a light on their souls and with patience, you too will bloom here.
18. Asides your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about?
My family. Mother Nature. Healthy living. Leading with love.
19. What are your parting words to your teeming followers and fans worldwide?
I’m incredibly grateful for everything this community has given me. Friendships, confidence, joy, intellectual energy, stimulating conversations, laughter, heartfelt pride, and so much more. How does one begin the repay such gifts? I hope to pay it forward and bestow them unto others to truly show my gratitude.
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