Pragya is a versatile and Multi-talented creative and Poet who has consistently churned out incredible poetry. She has an enormous worldwide fanbase and is famous for her imaginative and thought-provoking poetry and her elite use of superb diction and Incredible use of language and aesthetics in her writings.
Today, Pragya grants us an Exclusive Insight into aspects of her life and what makes her so successful. Enjoy the full interview below;
1. Tell us about your background
I live in the Washington DC metro area. I went to a boarding school in India in the lap of the Himalayas. It was one of the best years of my life, and I made many genuine friends who are from all parts of the world. Later I studied law although I did not practice it- instead my husband and I run our own business. When I'm not working or cooking, you'll find me writing. I find little pockets of precious time to follow this passion.
2. How did poetry all begin for you
I would say my daily practice of sahaja yoga meditation fills me with renewed energy each day, and inspires me to write. I feel an inner urge to share through words, and I cannot stop that flow or keep it inside.
3. What is your writing process like
I need those pockets of time where I do nothing. It is in those moments I can actually get down into the writing process. I get a feeling from inside that I want to talk about a topic or beautiful feeling comes to me, and I need to write. Sometimes it comes when I'm doing something, but then I stop and quikly make a note of it. Then when I take out time to write, I delve deeper into that note or into the inspiration and start writing.
4. Do you usually have personal connections with your poems
A lot of times the poems are inspired by something I have observed or experienced as a result of an interaction or life experience.
5. Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style.
One of my favorite poets is Rumi- a sufi poet of the 13th century and also Eunus Emre and Hafiz. I love their passion and desperation for truth and also the deliverance of a message for humanity through their words.
6. You have quite the International fanbase online, especially Instagram... How does it feel to
know that people all over the world read and resonate with your writing
- I am humbled that people feel that way. My poems come from a place of truth within me, and if I'm able to convey the heartfelt notes of this truth, then I'll be the luckiest person for sure. To know that people resonate with it makes me more than happy.
7. What would fans be most surprised to learn about you
That I play harmonium (an indian instrument) and also some guitar- and I'm possibly one of the first in a party to start the dance, and pull more people in. And I teach meditation for free to whoever needs it.
8. Other hobbies you love outside writing and poetry
Music, hikes and playing sports
9. Are any of your poems based on real life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination
It's a combination. It is based on the reality of human emotion and what we go through, but my poems are hopeful. The imagination part comes in to add some fun and creativity, but even that is based on nature or objects that reflect the human personality.
10. What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and
how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet
I grew up at an international boarding school. The environment was beautiful and the mountains were my daily inspiration. In my college years, I would enjoy deep conversations with my parents. My father, who himself is a writer, would often reflect on topics such as spirituality, human nature and so on, which would give me food for thought. He played a large part in shaping my understanding of life and people. He also meditates, so we share that too.
11. Some sources whispered to us that you are currently working on a special project.please go into detail about this
Yes actually I'm getting down to writing a book- my first poetry book. it will be called, "Be." Because sometimes we just need to find ways to simply be in the moment. I should have this ready and released by Thanksgiving, which is near the end of November. It's my way of saying thanks to all those who inspired me to write.
12. What does literary success mean to you
It means being able to convey the depth of one's soul into words in such a way that people feel the currents of your flow.
13. Would you Consider yourself a woman of faith?
Yes, I do believe in a higher force that exists all around us, and I am intrigued by it as you may notice in many of my poems I do refer to it.
14. What does Friendship mean to you?
As Kahlil Gibran would say, "Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit." I truly believe this.
15. Do you have any special friendships along the line of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight?
I do admire some, and who are also very supportive- to name a few: eliasthepoet, elliewrites and kalpeshofficial.
16. What is your take on the state of the poetry community and whats your measage to aspiring creatives that look up to you as a source of inspiration
I would say that the purpose of creativity should be to uplift and bring greater good in a world that faces hardship. Also I would ask each creative to look within and really connect to my spirit for inspiration. Meditation really helps here, but I would not recommend just any medicine from the cabinet so to say. I would be happy to guide anyone who wishes to connect this way.
17. How would you describe your personality
Social, positive and spiritual
18. Asides your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about
Sahaja Yoga Meditation, making short movies with my husband and music
19. Your parting words to your teeming followers and fans worldwide.
I will continue to inspire and stay true to myself, so I can stay true to you all!
Amazing poet who writes so beautifully from heart touching emotions n connects so well with nature. Her poetry makes us flow through emotions. She is a great cook n beautiful noble soul