Book Review : " From Ash to Ashes"
Book Review
Book Title : " From Ash to Ashes"
Author: Krishma Arora
It is almost impossible for me to believe that this is Krishma's first ever Novel, as she writes with the guile of a Literary Gladiator and the skill of a Veteran Surgeon on this tale for the ages.
The book begins with the Protagonist, Mira wallowing in her misery and guilt. The Last few months of her Life had been a roller coaster of all sorts, but before we go into why Mira is in so much anguish, Lets go through the motions in order to understand Mira.
Mira is a Sikh Punjabi Indian who has three older siblings, namely: Ritu (Her Older sister) and the Eldest Child of the four. Closely followed by her brother, Jaspreet a.k.a Jazz. Then her brother Jeet.
Her parents migrated legally to the United States of America when Mira was barely four years old. Her Father always shuttling to and from India to the U.S due to his handi-crafts business, which he co owned with his wife and was fairly successful at.Her parents were highly religious Sikh Punjabi Indians, with all rituals observed and tenets also bestowed on their four children.
Mira and her family initially had it very rough blending into the very liberal and modern society that is, The United States. The Family, when they first arrived in 1984 had their first home in Queens and even with the presence of a vibrant minority community in Queens, they never really fit in. Jazz was the one who suffered the most from their move to the States, as he was constantly bullied in school in the first two years of their move. Jazz totally transformed after that as he became very aggressive and a bully himself, which in turn attracted bad friends to him and vices which were unknown to their conservative and religious background. He started keeping late nights, drinking and even after the move to the much better Ash lane neighbourhood in Manhasset, Long Island, he still continued his recalcitrant ways.
Mira also had her troubles fitting in, as in middle school, she had several encounters with other girls in her school making fond of her hairy legs and clothes.
The Novel is also very rich in portraying the Sikh culture as Uncle Kinchan- chacha's wedding explains in detail all the relevant anecdotes of a proper Sikh Wedding.
Ritu, Mira's elder sister fared much better with fitting into American society as she was very sociable, loved the good life, fashion and very vivacious. She was involved with Amir, a Muslim in a romantic relationship. This affair was a secret to her parents as they would never approve of her affair with a man, worse still with a Muslim. Mira discovered Ritu's big secret at the wedding of Uncle Kinchan-chacha.
Jeet, Mira's elder brother was the opposite of Jazz, as he was a very serious minded student who always made his parents proud with his attitude. He longed to join in the family business but to please his parents, he pursued a career in medicine.
The House in "Ash Lane" was more comfortable than the one that the family enjoyed in Queens and it was also in "Ash Lane" that the ultimate tragedy befell the family and made them burn " Ashes " untimely for one of the members of the family.
How did the Strict and Conservative nature of Mira's parents contribute to this tragedy and could the "big secret" have been handled better by the entire family? These are questions that can only be answered when you read this exceptional novel.
I personally recommend this novel " From Ash to Ashes" to everyone as it helps with providing insights into the rich details about Indian Culture and way of Life. The perspectives also from a migrant family experiencing in real time, the Culture shock of Western Liberalism in matters of Religion, sexual preferences, Outlook on Life and how the family in their unique way grappled with all these multi-dimensional facts is what makes this such a splendid story.
" From Ash to Ashes" is available on Amazon and other major book stores globally. You can also follow Author, Krishma Arora on Instagram @krishmawrites
Ratings : 5/5. ( 5 star rating)
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