Krishma is a versatile and Multi-talented Novelist and Poet who has consistently churned out incredible work. Her novel, "From Ash to Ashes" is critically acclaimed and has touched several lives. 

 She has an enormous worldwide fanbase and is famous for her imaginative and thought-provoking poetry and her elite use of superb diction and Incredible use of language and aesthetics in her writings.

Today, Krishma grants us an Exclusive Insight into aspects of her life and what makes her so successful. Enjoy the full interview below;

1.  Tell us about your Background.

I have double Masters of Science degrees in Marketing as well in Secondary Education in History. I worked in real estate for a few years before switching careers to teaching high school for over 11 years. After my 4th child who is currently only 2 years old I decided to take a break from working full time. I have also a published a novel last May called" From Ash to Ashes", available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble online. The link to purchase my novel is in my bio on Instagram. 

2.  How did poetry all begin for you

I wrote my first poem when I was 10 years old. I was always an emotional and sensitive child and I loved to read. Reading brought on my love for creative writing. 

3. What is your writing process like

I usually write when I’m inspired by something whether it’s an experience or an emotional issue I’m dealing with or have reflected on from the past.

4. Do you usually have personal connections with your poems

Yes, absolutely. Poetry is a form of personal expression for me. Although lately I’m learning to write about things unrelated to my life. 

5. Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style

I love Nikita Gill because her poetry is so profound and yet so beautiful. I also enjoy Rupi Kaur because her style is so unique and fresh. I resonate with these two poetess because of our similar cultural heritage.

6. You have quite the International fanbase online, especially Instagram... How does it feel to know that people all over the world read and resonate with your writing

It is very fulfilling and inspiring to know that people take the time to read and enjoy my message. 

7. What would fans be most surprised to learn about you

Although I love to always appear happy and positive, I am a bit of a party girl. I do have a very serious and spiritual side of me. 

8. Other hobbies you love outside writing and poetry

I love traveling and adventuring to new places and trying new experiences and food. I’m also a gym rat. 

9. Are any of your poems based on real life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination

Many of my poems on grief are based on the loss of my first son Kabir. Most others also pertain to my experiences from my past or even my present. 

10. What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet

I think my mom was the first one to recognize that my poetry was about a way to heal… so when I was writing she would ask me what I was sad about. My dad took my poetry to be an accomplishment or a talent to be proud of since he himself was a talented painter and photographer in addition to his day job as  an engineer. 
My parents always encouraged me to write. 

11. Some sources whispered to us that you are currently working on a special project.please go into detail about this

I started writing my next novel but honestly it’s in the very early stages. 

12. What does literary success mean to you

Having sold at least 1,000 copies of my novel and to find an agent for my next novel. To perhaps also publish a poetry collection one day. 

13. Would you Consider yourself a woman of faith?

Absolutely. Faith is in my blood and bones from the moment I was born to the moment I die, God will be within me. Sikhism is my religion and I am a proud practicing Sikh. 

14. What does Friendship mean to you?

Friendship is a very important relationship in life and not just with friends. Friendship with my husband and children is also fundamental to a good relationship.

15. Do you have any special friendships along the line of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight?

My college roommate and I are still best friends and we are both creative writers always encouraging each other.

16. What is your take on the state of the poetry community and what's your message to aspiring creatives that look up to you as a source of inspiration

I think the poetry community is amazing and so supportive. I have made many wonderful friends on IG as a result of connecting and collaborating through this poetry community. My message to aspiring creatives is to support those who support you as well as those who you think might need your help and or encouragement. 

17. How would you describe your personality

I’m very positive and passionate about everything in life. I am not one type of person. I’m a party girl who loves to dress up, dance, and be fabulous but at the same time I’m religious and have strong faith and morals and believe in discipline and simplicity. I am happy and cheery but I am also philosophical and very serious. I’m extroverted but also an introvert. 

18. Asides your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about

I’m passionate about philosophy and traveling and exploring the world. I’m also passionate about the people in my life. If I love you, then you are everything to me. 

19. Your parting words to your teeming followers and fans worldwide.

I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read my poetry and support my writing. The writer in me jumps with joy when you as the reader appreciate and connect with my work

Every one at Poet's Digest wish Krishma Arora all the success in the world on her book " From Ash to Ashes" which is an absolute must read. Please go on Amazon, audible and all places you get books to grab a copy and follow Krishma on Instagram @krishmawrites 


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