Power House on the rise!
Introducing Josh!
Josh is a uniquely talented and gifted poet, with enviable passion and zeal to make impactful strides in the world through his craft and this is very obvious in his commitment and consistency in the world of Literature, specifically poetry which speaks for itself. His relatable and versatile style of writing is exactly why Josh is now here on the most prestigious Poetry platform in the world.
Today, we take a foray into the world of Josh Bacon with excerpts below detailing his incredible story
"I was born and raised in Decatur, Georgia and I’m the youngest of four siblings. Ever since I was young, I knew I wanted to be an author, but for the longest time, I doubted myself, saying I was too young or simply saying my stories belonged to someone else. In 2015, I moved to Loganville, Georgia with another part of my family since the conditions of my last house weren’t sustainable anymore, but living with them was worse. It was a lot of drama, messiness, and constant discomfort from yelling and screaming. Overall, it was an uncomfortable time in my life. Luckily around 2017, my Mom, brother, and I moved out and got a place of our own.
Around 2019, I slowly got out of the mental cycle of self-doubt and I started writing my stories again, as well as being in the process of publishing my first book. I started writing poetry just as an exercise to test out my creativity, but it definitely stuck with me, exceptionally since I started incorporating my storytelling. However, the time between 2020 through 2021 was mentally and spiritually challenging for me. Not only was I struggling to forgive and let go of my toxic former family members, but I was dealing with a sleazy publishing company. Mind you, this was my first time working with a publishing company and putting them on a pedestal really bruised me. Through those events, poetry didn’t just become a new form of storytelling, it became therapeutic. Writing poetry helped me heal and let go of that hurt.
Just recently, I’ve been incorporating my love for animation into my poetry. I fell in love since childhood and it never went away. However, around 2022, I kinda hit a wall where I believed my poetry and my love for animation were entirely too different and I had to choose one or the other. I felt torn and a little lost. Thankfully in 2023, I had a great epiphany that I can have the best of both worlds. I started writing poetry from the perspective of various animated characters and I’ve been having fun ever since. But I didn’t stop there. I went along to write poetry that paid homage to my favorite things. Rather it be Taylor Swift, Mean Girls, or even characters I admire or relate to.
I’m grateful that I dipped my toe into poetry and I’m happy to call myself a poet. So far it’s been a fun and healing experience and I don’t intend to stop anytime soon."
Josh's abiity as a Poet and all round creative of repute is First Class, as he was personally recommended by Multiple Amazon Bestseller and respected Poet, Joseph Spencer, as in his words "Josh Bacon is an exceptional creative force and a breath of fresh air. He is always looking to pass valuable messages through his writing. A True Rising Star in the genre".
He will feature heavily on the Collab Tour as an Official member of the club to promote his undeniable talent as a World class Poet.
Everyone at The Poet's Digest wish Josh the very best in all his endeavours.
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