Creative on the rise!

Introducing Tisza Noel!

Tisza is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet, with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her consistency in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Her relatable and aesthetic style of writing is exactly why Tisza is now here on the most prestigious Poetry platform in the world. 

Today, we take a  foray into the world of Tisza with excerpts below detailing her beautiful story. 

My name is Tisza (Tie-sa) Noel. My poetry alias is Call Her By Her Poetry, so please do. My poetry has built over time as a format for the emotions, thoughts, fears, love and hate that has moved with me throughout my life. I can speak my deepest pain and triumph through the creativity of written words— before I can express my suicidality. Poetry has kept me alive, given me hope and freedom. Freedom from institutional oppression, mental and emotional turmoil, and deep fears of loneliness. I write to breathe. And I write in hopes that someone else out there will find reason to continue to breathe too. I hope one day, my words last. I hope they speak of all the things I was too frightened to say. And by that, I hope it builds a power of enlightenment that allows me to find value and purpose. I write for myself— I write for you. But most importantly, I write for my higher power, my higher purpose. And my highest potential.

 Tisza's ability as a Poet and all round creative of repute is World Class  as she was personally recommended by International Bestseller and respected Poet, Joseph Spencer, as in his exact words "Tisza is such a talented breath of fresh air. Her imagery takes you to places and her wordplay is top notch and she no doubt has a very bright future in the world of poetry and creative writing.". 
 She will feature heavily on the Collab Tour as an Official member of the club to promote her craft as a World class Poet.
Everyone at The Poet's Digest wish Tisza the very best in all her endeavours.


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