Liz.M is a versatile and brilliant writer and Poet with a unique ability to tell compelling stories and weave exceptional imagery that has a positive, long lasting impact on her large audience.

She has a huge Worldwide fan base of several thousands of people, and she is famous for her thought-provoking poetry, filled with masterful imagery in her writing. 

Today, Liz grants us an Exclusive Insight into aspects of her life and what makes her as a person stand out. 

Enjoy the Full Interview below;

1. Tell us about your background.

I am a Mother of four children, two of whom are autistic with a disability. Teaching me daily about how blessed I am to be able to watch them  grow as individuals as well as learn their paths in this world and becoming who they were meant to be. I’m also a mental health, domestic violence, narcissistic abuse advocate. 

I have a poetic side to me that has a passionate love for music, literature, writing, art and growing. This allows me to create in the world of poetry. Letting the chaotic dark emotions bleed upon ink-stained pages.

2. How did poetry all begin for you:

My journey with poetry began when i was about 9 years old, from getting lost in the realm of books to the melodies of music, in turn ignited a passion in me to allow my feeling and thoughts to be expressed through the imagery of words, thus infusing them with deeper meaning. Understanding that I had a profound passion for music, literature and art in turn fueled my desires to create poetry speaking to those darker thoughts we might not have the courage to say aloud.

3. What is your writing process like:

It begins with opening my mind, finding music that allows the thoughts inside to flow and become expressive. As the music flows, so do the words, scribbling lines of poetry all along the fresh empty pages of a notebook. Allowing these lines to have a spontaneous placement on all sides of the paper like pieces of a puzzle. As the pieces begin to quiet, I then begin to analyze the lines scribbled all along the paper starting to piece them together to form a poem. 

Once the poetry takes its full form and all the pieces of the “puzzle” are put together , I then select images or pieces of art that express what i speak in my poetry  to add a visual illustration to my work. The final stage involves editing the poetry and art in all aspects to ensure that my piece speaks in every area.

4. Do you usually have personal connections with your poems:

My poems always have a piece of my personal narrative. As I posses an ability to utilize pieces of my story in combination with causes that are held closely to my heart. Allowing me to portray a raw, in- depth yet personal emotional connection to the world’s perception on these causes such as domestic violence, mental health, and narcissism.

5. Tell us about your favorite poets and what you like about their writing style:

I have found a great admiration for many poets that i have come across. Learning from each writing style all bringing a sense of uniqueness to the readers. As i have followed in the styles of two poets mainly, Edgar Allan Poe has had a substantial influence on my writing as he explores the dark depths of emotions, giving a raw insight into those emotional thoughts we have the tendency to steer away from. On a lighter aspect of things, I have also adapted the writing styles of Dr. Seuss in the sense of the rhyming abilities to engage the readers, giving it an overall flow diverting from the raw darker depths of the poems being written by myself.
6. You have quite the International fanbase online, especially Instagram... How does it feel to know that people all over the world read and resonate with your writing:

Knowing that my words have reached individuals globally is both humbling and motivating. It gives me a sense of happiness to know that my poetry is allowing at least one individual in this world to know that they are not alone in this world; that another individual somewhere in his universe has experienced or felt something similar to what they are feeling. To know that I have a voice to help advocate for those that struggle to do so and allow others to express their own thoughts on things we do not talk about.

7. What would fans be most surprised to learn about you:

The individuals that I am grateful to have support me in reading my poetry might be surprised to learn that I fear vulnerability, which may not seem like it due my poetry, but it has in turn kept me from exploring different aspects in realms of emotions, creativity, and furthering my poetry in a deeper yet louder form.

8. Other hobbies you love outside writing and poetry:

Outside the realm of poetry and  writing, I find pleasure in helping others whether it be a conversation or physically engaging with others to uplift them. I have a deep passion for reading, to sit and get lost in another universe while reading a book intrigues my soul.

9. Are any of your poems based on real life experiences or do you just tap into your imagination:

Truthfully, all of my poetry is rooted from personal experience, as I do intertwine my imagination and emotional perceptions of what others may think,feel,and/or experience. As I utilize both my personal experiences and my sense of emotional imagination to leave each poem open to a form of expressive interpretation. I like to have a deeper connection within my poem; this is done by  blending both personal and imaginative to create.
10. What was growing up like for you and what has the impact of family been like for you and how have they all perceived your talents as a world class poet:

My childhood was a supportive environment where a sense of humor was a must and our big hearts were a given, as my parents both worked to provide for us five children. Both my mom and dad have had a huge impact on the  foundations of my growth, both personally and creatively.
My mom was my biggest supporter and motivator for my poetic journey. She embodied a sense of pride with each piece of poetry I crafted. With her support and encouragement, I continued to come out of my shell in the world of poetry, reaching for the moon and stars to accomplish my dreams in the realm of poetry.

11. Some sources whispered to us that you are currently working on a special project.please go into detail about this:

Yes, your sources whispered something right, there is something in the works. I’m currently focusing on two projects.  One which combines poetry and self help and another merges poetry with keepsakes.  As I am still quite early on in the process, so unfortunately I cannot share too many details about it but am beyond ecstatic to share these projects with the world.

12. What does Literary success mean to you:

To me, Literary success is not about recognition, but in the ability to touch one soul in this world; to communicate effectively to people across the globe that they are not alone that another individual has experienced or felt something similar. To let them know it’s okay to NOT be okay, but they will always make it to the next chapter in life. That is literary success in my eyes and heart.

13. Would you Consider yourself a woman of faith?

Yes, I would consider myself a woman of faith. Without God throughout all my trials and tribulations, obstacles and achievements, I would not have imagined to be where I am at today. My faith and beliefs have deeper roots in the values of love, compassion, kindness and unwavering strength thus allowing me to be who I am today as an individual. I believe these are the core pillars that many have built a foundation on allowing them to grow in any situation they go through.

14. What does Friendship mean to you?

Friendship to me consists of a few traits as in trust, respect, support and understanding with a mixture of laughter. These qualities are the foundation upon which I have learned all true friendships are built. To have a friendship with these elements is key.  It is never about the amount of friendships you have but the quality of these friendships.

15. Do you have any special friendships along the line of your development as a creative that you would love to highlight?

In my development as a creative, I have been grateful to form beautiful friendships within the writing community. Keisha, has been a huge support not only to myself but other individuals allowing me to form a friendship that I value. As there are a few other individuals that have greatly impacted and influenced my path as I continue this poetic journey.

16. What is your take on the state of the poetry community and whats your message to aspiring creatives that look up to you as a source of inspiration?

The poetry community is filled with talented, inspiring, passionate souls.
Allowing individuals to perfect their craft and grow in their poetic journeys.  
To those aspiring creatives that look up to me, I say: Let your thoughts flow without boundaries or limits. Believe in your voice. There is no “perfect” way to express poetry, just follow what you feel and don’t ever let the world stop you from being your true self.

17. How would you describe your personality?

My personality is a mixture of various traits. I’m dorky, caring and understanding , always wanting to help others in any way possible. I’m also silly, strong, passionate, and sensitive, wearing my heart on my sleeve yet having a protective layer on.
I’m independent sometimes to a fault as asking for help is not my strong suit. I would say that I’m perfectly imperfect, as I have many flaws and cracks yet work day in day out to grow as an individual. The combination of characteristics that I embody allow me to be who I am as well as give me the ability to craft my poetry in a very meaningful yet unique manner.
18. Asides your passion for poetry, what else are you equally as passionate about?

Aside from my passion of poetry, I have a meaningful passion for my children as they have taught me unconditional love and strength. They are my reason to keep going in this world. I also have a passion for helping individuals and advocating for them especially when it comes to mental health, domestic violence, disabilities, and narcissism.
19. Your parting words to your teeming followers and fans worldwide:

My deepest and warmest thanks to each and every one of you for your outpouring of support. You are truly a blessing upon this world, every one of you is meant to make your mark in this big world.  Keep believing in yourself reaching for the moon and the stars. Don’t let anyone dim your light be YOU! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being apart of this poetic journey with me I couldn’t be more grateful.


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