
Showing posts from March, 2024

Creative on the rise!

Introducing the amazing Andrea! Andrea is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Her relatable and soulful style of poetry is exactly why Andrea is now here on the most prestigious Poetry platform in the world.  Today, we take a  foray into the world of Andrea with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story.  "  Ever since I could hold a pencil, art has flowed through me, pulsing like electricity.  I’ve enjoyed drawing for as long as I can remember and although I haven’t made much time for it in the last decade or so, I’ve dedicated more than half my life to honing another craft. Like many, my love for writing started when I was a child.  I wrote diary entries and classroom essays when I was about nine yea...


INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE WITH PRAGYA! Pragya is a versatile and Multi-talented creative and Poet who has consistently churned out incredible poetry. She has an enormous worldwide fanbase and is famous for her imaginative and thought-provoking poetry and her elite use of superb diction and Incredible use of language and aesthetics in her writings. Today, Pragya grants us an Exclusive Insight into aspects of her life and what makes her so successful. Enjoy the full interview below; 1. Tell us about your background I live in the Washington DC metro area. I went to a boarding school in India in the lap of the Himalayas. It was one of the best years of my life, and I made many genuine friends who are from all parts of the world. Later I studied law although I did not practice it- instead my husband and I run our own business. When I'm not working or cooking, you'll find me writing. I find little pockets of precious time to follow this passion. 2. How did poetry al...

Creative on the rise!

Introducing the amazing Melanie! Melanie is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Her relatable and soulful style of poetry is exactly why Melanie is now here on the most prestigious Poetry platform in the world.  Today, we take a  foray into the world of Melanie with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story.    "Hi! I’m Melanie. Here’s a glimpse into the different ways writing has always been part of my life, and how, as of 2024, it turn into a crash course in healing.  * My first “book” was called “I cleaned a little,” as dictated to my mom when I was 3. It was about cleaning a little then resting. You can check it out in my reels.  * I wrote short stories in my free time as a kid. I still have them.  * I be...


INTERVIEW EXCLUSIVE WITH TINA! Tina is a versatile and Multi-talented creative and Poet who has consistently churned out incredible poetry. She has an enormous worldwide fanbase and is famous for her imaginative and thought-provoking poetry and her elite use of superb diction and Incredible use of language and aesthetics in her writings. Today, Tina grants us an Exclusive Insight into aspects of her life and what makes her so successful. Enjoy the full interview below; 1. Tell us about your Background. I am first generation Canadian born and possess a heart filled with Italian heritage. I grew up in a modest home with loving, hard working immigrant parents and one incredibly smart and caring brother. I loved school and school loved me; so much so, that I became an educator and truly found my vocation working with youth. 2. How did poetry all begin for you? Writing poetry was the by-product of being an English Major in University coupled with years of journaling as a mental ...

Power House on the rise!

Introducing the brilliant K.G Caroll! K.G Caroll is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Her selflessness and consistent love and support for the poetry community is exactly why K.G Caroll is now here on the most prestigious Poetry platform in the world. This was also a long time in the making as Caroll is a hard woman to pin down, We digress! Today, we take a deep foray into the world of K.G Caroll with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story. K.G. Carroll is a poet and writer residing in Central Valley California. She grew up roaming the orange groves and vast golden hills beneath the magnificent Sierra Nevada mountains and the Sequoia National Forest. In this vast expanse of beauty she often found herself alone and was forced ...

Power House on the rise!

Introducing the amazing Kaylin! Kaylin is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Her selflessness and consistent love and support for the poetry community is exactly why Kaylin is now here on the most prestigious Poetry platform in the world. Today, we take a journey into the world of Kaylin with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story. "My name is Kaylin Weir, and to say that I’m thrilled to be a part of this writing community would be an understatement. Writing has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember; storytelling will always be my favorite kind of adventure.  Let’s start from the top: I grew up in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, and when I wasn’t nose deep in Anne of Green Gables or the Boxcar Children, I was bus...

Creative on the rise!

Introducing the amazing Lillie! Lillie is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Today, we take a journey into the world of Lillie with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story The warmest of welcomes to all of you beautiful readers here on Poets Digest! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for giving me the opportunity to share my creations with you. It’s an honor to be apart of such a supportive and beautiful community of creatives. Thank you to the magic going on behind the scenes here, every day, on this blog. Your ability to bring us together through our hardship and success amazes me everyday. My name is Lillie, and I’m 24 years old. I frantically searched for the right words for this article… for days. As any writer knows,...

Creative on the rise!

Introducing the amazing Sophie! Sophie is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Today, we take a journey into the world of Sophie with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story "Hi, my name is Sophie June. In 7th grade English class, a wonderful teacher of mine, Ms. Pike, had us analyze poetry from a book called "Good Poems" by Garrison Keillor. I loved looking for meaning in abstract words, whether they had historical or personal implications about the author's life. This quickly became my favorite class. Ms. Pike would read a poem every day, and have us write down any 1-3 word combinations that struck us. As we collected "cool words", she had us create our own poems using a combination of these notes and our own i...

Creative on the rise!

Introducing the amazing Prasula! Prasula is an exceptionally talented and gifted poet with remarkable passion and determination to make impactful strides in the world through her craft and this is very obvious in her zeal and her achievements in the world of Literature, specifically poetry speaks for itself. Today, we take a journey into the world of Prasula with excerpts below chronicling her incredible story Prasula Padmanabhan is a teacher a poet. She also loves painting and is pursuing vocal training in carnatic classical.She is from India and lives with her husband and daughter. As a teacher she believes that only a teacher who practises what he or she preaches could set standards for her students!.A teacher can show the way, help and guide her students but should never imprison their thoughts ,values and dreams. There is only one thing greater than knowledge and that is Service.So educate oneself to serve self as well others.. As a poet she believes in the...